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How is this story connected to that historical context?

This story that took place on Sproul Plaza is connected to the historical context of the sixties because it challenged the norms during this time and contributed to the political developments of the United States. Prior to the FSM, student activism was deemed irrelevant when noticing the effects it had on the community. Students partaking in political activism were risking violence and consequences from campus authority because demonstrating political beliefs that differ from the hegemonic views had not been normalized yet. The Free Speech Movement has become an outlet for students to display their feelings of hostility and alienation toward the university. Student activist Jack Weinberg explained “Early in the movement, one graduate student who was working all night for the FSM said, 'I really don't give a damn about free speech. I'm just tired of being sat upon. If we don't win anything else, at least they'll have to respect us after this.'"⁵ This movement began as a fight for freedom of speech but became a fight for much more when students realized the University was controlling and manipulating student beliefs. The FSM student activists challenged the University and paved the way for individuals like myself to be able to advocate my beliefs on Sproul Plaza without facing consequences like they did.

Historical Context: About

⁵ Jack Weinberg. 'The Free Speech Movement and Civil Rights'

Historical Context: Text
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